

Preserves beauty and youth – rejuvenates the skin, improves the condition of hair and nails.

With the unique revolutionary combination device of bioresonance therapy and quantum cosmetology DEVITA COSMO we approach and solve in a radically new way all the problems of the human skin and external appearance.

First we perform the health check of the person by “reading” the map of the health of the organs from the wrinkles that form on the face.

Then we carry out preventive regulation of the function of the organs of the body that present a disorder based on the map of the organs from the wrinkles on the face, while at the same time we start a cosmetology application on the face with the photonic part of the DeVita Cosmo device (the quantum).

The results of the cosmetological application in combination with the regulation of the organs are extremely impressive, because through the photonic component we achieve the lifting and strengthening of the collagen and elastin tissues in the middle part of the skin, in the dermis, at the cellular level.

When the applications are repeated for a period of at least three weeks, the result becomes permanent and thus the client’s goal is achieved, i.e. maintaining health, beauty and youth for many years.

The DeVita Cosmo device is a fantastic tool for effectively eliminating wrinkles, freckles, acne marks, olives and all skin imperfections.


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